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Wandelgids Oban and North Argyll | Hallewell Publications (9781872405278)

  • ISBN / CODE: 9781872405278
  • Editie: 2018
  • Aantal blz.: 32
  • Auteur(s): Paul Williams
  • Uitgever: Hallewell Publications
  • Soort: Wandelgids
  • Taal: Engels
  • Hoogte: 19.0 cm
  • Breedte: 10.5 cm
  • Dikte: 0.2 cm
  • Gewicht: 32.0 g
  • Bindwijze: Paperback
  • Uitvoering: -
  • Schrijf als eerste een review
  • 5,95

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Rewalked and updated in 2018, Walks Oban & North Argyll covers the area around the popular coastal town of Oban, the offshore islands which can be reached from the town, and inland as far as Bridge of Orchy. The coastal area and islands are fairly gentle in character, but there are some fine, challenging hill walks inland. The 26 walks featured range from 0.5 miles to 14 miles (1-23km). Routes include: Oban to Gallanach, two routes on Lismore, Ben Cruachan and Bridge of Orchy to Tyndrum. Part of a popular series of A6 pocket walking guides which describe routes which are suitable for walkers of all abilities and to suit all tastes. Route descriptions are accompanied by 2-colour sketch maps. The guides are illustrated with line illustrations, and will provide walkers with a good introduction to what each area covered has to offer.


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